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Business owner calculating accounting statements

Basic Accounting Statements

Understanding financial statements is crucial for small business owners. Mastering essential accounting statements like income and cash flow can be challenging, but comprehending them ensures you stay on top of your company's performance.
Senior couple running into retirement on beautiful beach

How to Decide When to Retire

When do I retire? This is one of the most important decisions an individual will make in their lifetime. Having a spouse or partner can make the timing more involved with all of the different aspects of dual retirement. Here are some factors to consider when making this important decision.

by Steve Schou | FNBT Wealth Management Trust & Investments Officer

Senior couple meeting with a wealth manager

Estate Planning 101

It’s never too early to start thinking about estate and financial planning. If you’re not sure where to start, we’re here to help.
Woman employee holding her company's Employee Handbook

Creating an Employee Handbook

Employee handbooks are a great way to highlight key information and address any questions from new employees. A well-compiled employee handbook helps create easy-to-follow guidelines and ensures everyone is aligned with how things work at your company.
Business owner holding a tablet

Creating an Online Presence

Building an online presence is crucial for business, though it can be time-consuming and sometimes challenging. Understanding the necessary steps can make building your online presence more efficient and less frustrating.

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