This special savings club account can make vacations and holidays more enjoyable by saving upfront, so you don't have to worry about the financial strain. Set aside funds for a dream vacation, or pay extra expenses such as daycare. Take your withdrawal once per year—when it works best for you!
Four Seasons Savings Can Ease Financial Worry
- Annualized interest paid at maturity*
- Annual disbursement made to an active FNBT deposit account on the date that works best for you -- January 15, April 15, July 15, October 15
- No monthly fee or minimum balance
- Unlimited deposits
- $20 minimum balance to open
Four Seasons Savings Club accounts are available throughout Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Contact us to open a savings club account or visit us at any of our convenient locations in Beloit, Clinton, Darien, Delavan, Elkhorn, Janesville, Monroe, Walworth, and Williams Bay, WI and Rockton, Roscoe, and Winnebago, IL.
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