happy couple sitting across from their consultant

Bank at Home Kit

We are here to help you stay on top of all your banking needs at home. 

Convenient banking at your fingertips.

Get connected with everything your new FNBT account has to offer. We make it easy. Follow the simple steps below or view our Online Banking User Guide.

Enroll in Online Banking 

Register for online banking. Enroll in online bill pay, eStatements, and mobile banking when you login to online banking. The simple way to stay on top of your finances. 


Watch Video

Download Banking App

Download our banking app from your iPhone or Android on the App Store or Google Play. Sign in with your online banking Access ID and Password.

 Watch Video

Download CardValet App

Enhanced security allows you to manage your FNBT debit cards with the touch of a button. Control debit card usage, set alerts, and more with the CardValet® app on the App Store or Google Play.
 Watch Video

Extra benefits simply for banking with us.

When you bank with FNBT, you have access to valuable benefits. 

Free Rewards

With your new FNBT Debit MasterCard® you have access to our free rewards program. Visit our rewards website to setup and manage your rewards account. Link your checking account for automatic deposit of reward points. Otherwise, we'll mail points certificates in February, May, August, and November.

Free Rewards


BaZing Benefits

Try a free sample membership to find out what BaZing is all about! Visit Bazing.com and click "Sign Up Here" and then "Get Started". Enter your information and you'll be sent a password and instructions on how to begin your free trial. Continue receiving these valuable benefits by upgrading to one or Privilege Plus checking. 

BaZing Benefits  

Financial Wellness 

At FNBT, we're committed to helping you pave a path toward a secure financial future. That begins with a solid understanding of key financial concepts. Our financial wellness center offers interactive learning modules that help you take the next step to financial success. Access this free, online tool at your convenience.

Get Started