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FNBT Raises Awareness About Bank Imposter Scams

Release date: 6/12/2024

Beloit, WI, June 12, 2024– First National Bank and Trust (FNBT) wants to alert the public about a growing threat of fraudulent scams that is impacting financial institutions throughout the country.

The scam, known as a Bank Imposter Scam, begins with a fraudulent text message claiming to be from a bank. The urgent-sounding text message is designed to mimic an official message from the bank and asks the receiver to confirm or deny a suspicious purchase. Shortly after the individual responds, the fraudster impersonates the bank and calls the unsuspecting victim, claiming to be a bank employee. The fraudster will then attempt to trick the individual into giving access to their banking information or transferring money out of their account to allegedly protect the victim’s money.
It is important to note that a bank will NEVER ask for confidential information such as passwords or PINs, and they will never ask a customer to transfer money out of the bank to “protect it.”
In response to the escalating threat of scams, FNBT is taking proactive steps to educate the public on identifying fraud and how to protect against it. To address this critical issue, FNBT will be partnering with several assisted living centers and senior centers in our community to bring fraud education to their facilities. FNBT invites the public to join us at the following Fraud Prevention Seminars:

  • Grinnell Senior Center (631 Bluff St, Beloit, WI) - Tuesday, June 18, at 1:00 PM
    • The event is open to the public, but we request that you please call Grinnell Senior Center at 608-364-2875 to reserve your seat.
  • Janesville Senior Center (69 S Center St, Janesville, WI) - Thursday, July 18, at 10:30 AM
    • The event is open to the public, but we request that you please call Janesville Senior Center at 608-755-3040 to reserve your seat.
In these seminars, FNBT's Vice President, Fraud Prevention Manager, Wanda Moucha, and Senior Vice President of Retail Banking, Deb Griffith, will discuss fraud prevention and educate the public on emerging threats and strategies to combat fraud. With extensive experience in fraud prevention and a track record of defending against fraudulent schemes, their insights offer guidance for navigating the complexities of modern-day fraud and safeguarding personal information.
The Fraud Prevention seminar will cover:
  • Key fraud statistics
  • Recognizing scams
  • Warning signs to watch for
  • Strategies to protect yourself from fraud.
For more resources on fraud prevention, visit FNBT’s Fraud Prevention Center at People interested in scheduling a Fraud Prevention Seminar for a community group meeting, please contact Together, we can protect your financial integrity and ensure the well-being of our community.

First National Bank and Trust Company:
First National Bank and Trust Company is a family-focused, community bank headquartered in Beloit, Wisconsin. Chartered in 1882, First National Bank and Trust has grown to be a leading financial services institution offering products and services for consumers and businesses, as well as trust, retirement services, investment management, brokerage and insurance. We now serve nearly 30,000 households in 13 communities and 16 locations in Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois with assets of approximately $1.5 billion. We treat our customers, employees, shareholders and communities like family, with a goal of helping all our families succeed. Providing Sound Advice and delivering an exceptional experience has positioned First National Bank and Trust as a Stateline leader in the industry. For additional information, visit
